Thursday, May 24, 2012


      This year, our class trip was to Chicago. We were there for 2 days and 1 night. It was very fun! We started off the day bright and early by getting on the bus at 6:30. We took off from the school at 7:00 am, then drove for about 2 hours. We then took a pit stop at a gas station and took a bathroom break, got some fresh air, and got some snacks and drinks. We then kept driving. We drove for another hour. We were so glad when we arrived at the Museum of Science and Industry, because the bus was SO HOT!!!!! We got to the Museum of Science and Industry at about 9:15 Chicago time and the museum opened at 9:30. We got checked in and ready to go around 9:45-10:00, so then we met up all together later for a pre-paid ticket exhibit. It was Mythbusters themed! We looked around in all of the areas that you could participate in, including seeing whether running or walking through rain got you more wet, throwing cards, dodging bullets, and trying to build a house that would stay up in a tornado. Then, as you can see in the video, Isaac Byely got the chance to volunteer to dodge a paintball! He was able to do it! It was very cool! Then, we looked around for a while. After looking around, we went to an exhibit called The Smart Home. It was a completely eco-friendly home designed for people to actually live in! We got a tour around there for a little while longer, then we went to a GINORMOUS planetarium that was a documentary about trains and railroads. We went to lunch and looked around for the rest of the afternoon. We left at closing time, 4:00, and headed for the hotel. We were in the hotel by 5:30, and left for Medieval Times at 6:30. I think this was most everybody's favorite part of the whole trip! We had a blast. We were screaming and cheering for our knight, the green knight. He ended up losing, in the end, but it was still a great time! At 9:45, we left Medieval Times and went back to the hotel. We got back at 10:00, and lights out was at 11:00. We had a great first day, and were prepared to get some rest and be fully energetic for a fun-filled second, and last, day!

      The second day, we woke up at 5:00, and got a funny-voiced wake-up-call at 5:45. We were eating at 6:15 and ready to leave at 6:50. The wheels were rolling at 7:00, and we were officially on our way to Jesus People USA, a church community where we did service. There was a free store for homeless people, so we sorted clothes and shoes, played with little kids, and helped people find the clothes and shoes they needed. We got there at 8:30, and started our project at 9:15. We worked very hard there until 11:30, and then departed for Navy Pier at 12:00 for lunch and a little bit of shopping. And, if you were lucky, some of us got to ride the ferris wheel! My group, aka all five girls in the grade, were lucky enough that we got free tickets from someone! We were very excited! So, we ate Chicago hot dogs for lunch, shopped for our t-shirts/sweatshirts, and rode the ferris wheel, all in an hour and fifteen minutes. Crazy, right? We had the bus departing again at 1:15 and were on our way to the last part of the trip, the Shedd Aquarium. We were there pretty much all evening, and, although we didn't get to go into any pre-paid shows or exhibits, we still had lots of fun looking at all the exhibits!

      All in all, Chicago was my favorite school trip in all of my life. We got to do lots of fun things and it was a good class-bonding trip for every one of us. Chicago was a blast!

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